
FACEBOOK HACKING : How to create you own phising page (EXPLAINED IN DETAIL)

Phishing is an old method of e-mail fraud that is used to gather personal and financial information from the recipients. phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.Phishing is an example of a social engineering technique. 

Steps to create your own phising page ::::

 Step 1: Register a new Wapka Account
First create a new wapka account from the link below.

Wapka.com login link

♥♥♥♡Create your own page by entering any domain name♡♥♥♥
Step 2: Editing Wapka Texts
Login to your Wapka account. Goto Settings>Edit text> Forum/chat
and change the following words,
Name: Email or Phone
Text: Password
Submit: Log In
It's shown in the screenshot below.

Create Your Own Facebook Mobile Phishing Page Using Wapka

Click 'Edit' to save and Login to your account in ADMIN mode.
Step 3: Create a new forum
Create a new forum to save all hacked usernames and passwords in your site. 

You can do it by Edit Site>Forum
Create Your Own Facebook Mobile Phishing Page Using Wapka
Get inside your newly created forum and note down its Forum ID. You can find it at the right bottom corner of the forum. Its shown below

Step 4: Change Forum Visibility
The forum we create above will be visible to everyone. Now we have to change its visibility, so that admin can only view the hacked usernames and passwords.
You can do it by Edit site>Users>Items visibility
Mark 'X' to make it visible only in admin mode.

Step 5: Uploading Facebook Mobile Phisher Page Source Code
Just copy and paste the code below in your site.
For Phishing Code CLICK HERE

Step 6: You can add it by Edit site>WML/HTML code
Note: But before pasting, edit the code and replace 'XXXXXXX' with your Forum ID( as you found it in step 4) and remove spaces in the small form tag.
Now you can see your fully designed facebook phishing page.
But there'll be only one filed instead of 'Email or Phone' and 'Password' fields.
Don't worry, wapka won't ask usernames when you are logged in.
So just logout your admin mode or open your site URL in a new tab. You'll see a page like this.
Create Your Own Facebook Mobile Phishing Page Using Wapka
* You can find all hacked usernames and passwords in the email id which you have registered .
Now use your social engineering skill to make the victim to login in your site. You can send him a message with your link.

Above trick is for educational purposes only, we will not be responsible for any damage caused by you.

We would advice you also not to use this for any fraudulent activity.
If you have any problem regarding making your phishing page feel free to comment below......
Please don't message me on whatsapp
Help us by sharing this article with your friends ... we are delighted to provide you with best of tricks......
Sample phising pages ::( send me yours I will upload )
For whatsapp broadcast send SUB YOUR NAME to 7700077433 .

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