Hello, and a very good evening to you all.
Today, i have brought a special information and trick for you all which will help you all out.As you all know that nowadays accounts are being hacked by hackers easily So, I have decided to help our viewers not to indulge in these, here are some tips to make your password stronger.
Steps :-
1. Do not use your name as your password instead use some phrase or dialogs from movie.
Example:- Ye hath mujhe de de thakur
Now now, dont use this simple okay its not done yet go through point 2.
2. Make the use of only first letters of your phrase.
Example:- Ye Hath Mujhe De De Thakur
So you get => YHMDDT
So now this is half we done now its safe around 70%.Now we'll move towards the 3rd point.
3. Now USE some numbers and symbols in your password it will make it uncrackable for hackers.
Example:- YHMDDT#007
Now the pass you got by above simple steps is 100% safe and easy to remember give it a shot.
So guys i think you all have learned a lot from this post. Keep supporting us and visit the site daily for new tricks.